i ate cheerios and felt fat... what foooodsss have you eaten and felt fat from?

2018-08-05 4:11 am

回答 (9)

2018-08-05 4:50 am
my wife
2018-08-11 10:43 pm
Salt water taffy, cereal, chips, anything fried, ice cream, anything with dairy make me feel gross
2018-08-05 11:24 am
You sound crazy
2018-08-05 11:19 am
DON'T REMEMBER......but cheerios are a FLOUR product, and to be avoided......it's not healthy tho they claim it is.......cuz it is good for PROFITS....that's all they care about, not truth, not health, JUST MONEY.......
2018-08-05 6:23 am
Ice cream and burgers
2018-08-05 6:23 am
A bucket of lard.
2018-08-05 5:27 am
Not long ago I went to a friend's birthday and afterwards got a large kebab on the way home, having already had a large dinner a few hours before. So I ate that, then finished my wifes kebab as well. Anyway, it took me a while to eat, but when I finished, I felt so so full. So much so that when my wife went to hug me in bed, I had to ask her to stop, and when I rolled onto my side, I had to roll back because of how sick and full I felt.
It was brilliant.
2018-08-05 5:04 am
Pie, doughnuts, pound cake, protein bars, etc..... all in one binge :(
Life is all about balance. It's OK to have cheerios, especially whole grain cheerios with skim milk and fresh fruit. That's actually quite healthy.
2018-08-05 7:17 am
a fry

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