Subject-Verb Agreement (Countable, Uncountable & Gerunds)?

2018-08-03 7:08 pm
Choose the most suitable answer in the bracket for each of the following :

1. The jury ( was / were ) coming out of the court.

2. The audience ( was / were ) very attentive.

3. ( Do / Does ) the South China Football Team practise on Sunday ?




回答 (2)

2018-08-03 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Grammar--of the form used in writing of one person or thing ,as a group, used the singular number:-
(1)The jury "was"---
(2)The audience "was"---
(3)"Does" the South China Football Team practise...
2018-08-05 2:30 am
1) was; 2) was ; 3)Does. Yip

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