幫手check有冇文法錯? 如果有請幫我改?

2018-08-03 2:41 pm
Hello everyone. We are a Hong Kong contingent.
And we'll sing a song, the Chinese name is called "喜歡你", the song name is mean love you.
Is a Hong Kong famous song to confess one's love for somebody.

回答 (4)

2018-08-03 6:36 pm
1. We’ll 建議改為we are going to:
當用 “be going to” 時,通常是「早已經有計畫、已決定好」要去
做這件事;但用 “will” 時,通常是在講話的「當下才下這個決
“I’m going to … (future plan).” 通常指較「短期」的未來,例如
馬上就要去做了;而 “I will … (future plan).” 通常指較「長
資料來源 ---
2. the Chinese name is called ”喜歡你”
建議改為its Chinese name is “喜歡你”
3. the song name is mean love
Is mean love已是三個動詞,可寫成the song name means “I love You”
4. Confess用於對司法的認罪或對牧師之告白或承認尷尬事項等,表達(愛意)可用 express
Hollo everyone, we are a Hong Kong contingent.
We are going to sing a song, its Chinese name is "喜歡你", and the song name means “I love You”.
It is a Hong Kong’s famous song that expresses one's love for somebody.
2018-08-03 5:09 pm
we'll sing a song, the Chinese name is called "喜歡你", the song name mean love you.
2018-08-03 10:41 pm
"contingent"--body of troops, group of persons forming a choir to sing together,
Hello (not Hollo) everyone. We are a Hong Kong contingent.
We are going to(a continuous tense means immediate future tense with future events) sing a song.
The Chinese name is called "喜歡你".
The (song's) name (means) "Love You"
It is a Hong Kong famous song to express (not confess) one's love for somebody.
We are going to show that one is in love with somebody.
We are going to send an affectionate greeting for the pleasure of the song.
2018-08-05 2:55 am
Hello everyone. We are belonged to a Hong Kong contingent and going to sing a song by the Chinese name of being fond of you. It Is a popular song in Hong Kong and we are sure everybody enjoyed its melody. Yip

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