Did America deserve 9/11?

2018-08-02 2:41 am
The United States killed, enslaved, murdered and raped millions of people world wide, and what's the worst that happened to them? Only 3000 casualties. The USA dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Japan, killed innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan. They're willing to start a crazy bogus war for a drop of oil. They killed millions and millions worldwide thinking no ones gonna fight back, and when they DO fight back, they go all crazy and make a big deal about. ONLY 3000 people died and they all start whining and crying about it.

America deserved 9/11 for its unapologetic militaristic imperialism, especially in the Middle East. What goes around, comes around.

回答 (12)

2018-08-02 2:55 am
I don't know why you point to the Japanese or what the US did after 9/11 when talking about 9/11.

Why not discuss the actual events that lead up to 9/11? Why was the US attacked by terrorists in Afghanistan? Where did they come from? Why were none of the 9/11 hijackers actually Afghani? Why were the majority, including Bin Laden himself, Saudi Arabian citizens? Why is Afghanistan so overrun with terrorism?

If Americans asked these questions, they'd very quickly find the truth. The truth they are afraid to hear.

Let's start with the last question: Why is Afghanistan so ramp with terrorism? Or, better yet, let's ask a simpler question: when's the last time Afghanistan had a stable government?

Actually, not that long ago. The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was the government of Afghanistan from 1978 to 1992.

The next question you should ask is: "why did it collapse into a terror state?"

Well, we know none of the 9/11 hijackers were from Afghanistan. So if your assumption is that "they were invaded", you'd be correct! The fact most of them were still Saudi Arabian citizens should also clue you into the fact they were invaded very recently.

Between 1979 and 1989 was the Soviet-Afghan War, when various terrorist groups, collectively referred to as the "mujahideen", from surrounding countries invaded Afghanistan to overthrow the government and take power. Many from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. One of those terrorists was Osama Bin Laden himself, who called his group of terrorists "Al-Qaeda".

It's called the "Soviet"-Afghan War because Afghanistan called on the help of the USSR, who sent in military support to Afghanistan to help them and ultimately failed.

This should bring up another question: How did a rogue group of terrorists managed to defeat the USSR's military as well as the Afghan's military?

Simple. They were funded. And armed.

By whom?

Can you guess?

Take a wild guess.

If you guessed "the United States", you'd be correct! In fact, during the war, the US funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into the mujahideen and Osama Bin Laden. The US armed them with stinger missiles which helped turn the tide in the war. This was called "Operation Cyclone".

Why would the US want to help terrorists? Well, because they were fighting an ally of the USSR. So, according to the US, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", even if that enemy is literally radical Islamic terrorists.

The Western powers originally depicted Bin Laden as a "freedom fighter" who was "fighting the Soviets for peace". Bin Laden was originally depicted as good guy, as shown in the newspaper article I attached.

Well, after Afghan government fell, these terrorist groups took control, and Bin Laden turned on the US and declared war, and later launched the terror attack that culminated into the events that occurred on 9/11.

It is simply true that the attack of 9/11 was a direct result of US foreign policy. The United States allied itself with the devil. And they've been paying the consequences for 17 years. They literally created the monster that attacked them on that day.

For some reason, no Americans criticize their government for creating Al-Qaeda. They pretend somehow the attack on 9/11 was just a spontaneous event with no history or motivation behind it.
2018-08-02 2:57 am
Pretty sure no Japanese were behind 9/11 and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars happened AFTER 9/11. Desert Storm was a direct result of Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait... one of our allies.

So the answer is NO... No one deserved 9/11.
2018-08-02 2:43 am
Japan was nuke-bait.

They should not have started a war with us, and they should have surrendered when given the chance.

2018-08-02 2:49 am
We saved more lives than we took
2018-08-02 3:15 am
No, Vlad
2018-08-02 2:47 am
I wouldn't say America deserved it. Many of the people that were killed had nothing to do with what Bush decided. Should America have not interfered with what was going on in the Middle East? Maybe.
2018-08-02 3:07 am
No. But the Supreme Court made it possible by placing an unqualified Republican in the White House. Bush was warned and looked the other way.
2018-08-02 2:58 am
No. And it was Israel that did 9/11.
2018-08-02 2:53 am
I'm so glad you niggrs are a minority in the United States and always will be.
2018-08-02 2:46 am
Your rail car has jumped it's track.
2018-08-02 2:44 am
No...no it did not.
2018-08-02 2:46 am
They did 911, there were no Muslim hijackers. Do you really think this rag tag group of men really pulverized three buildings armed with only box cutters and a week's worth of flight school. Please...

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