White Arabs aren't really white, are they?

2018-07-31 4:36 am
Even if they look white, do white Arabs really count as white?

回答 (10)

2018-07-31 4:58 am
Race is a tricky thing. Mostly cause in reality we are all one race, the human race. That's the tricky part... when people try to divide it, you get all these nonsense categories. If I had it my way we would just abolish the whole race thing, take the questionnaires off the test, off the forms, and off how we are labeled. It would be nice to just understand we are all human.
2018-07-31 4:46 am
White is the absence of color so white is white and only white.
2018-07-31 4:38 am
Whiteness is not a scientific defined thing. It's fluid. You'll find that most white nationalists and racists deem that Arabs and Turks are not white but Iranians and Greeks are. Go figure.
2018-07-31 4:40 am
Why does this matter to anyone?

-- democratic socialist for less racist BS in American politics
2018-08-04 7:31 am
White Arab is an oxymoron.
2018-08-01 5:55 am
"Arabs" are not a race, but are the people inhabiting one of the Arab nations.
that is like saying "black Americans aren't really black, are they?".
also, you will find that lighter-skinned people (whites) come from many different countries. also, many people have cross-bred and are not one solid race/color.
remember, despite our differences, we're all pink on the inside...
2018-08-01 2:05 am
The race "white" spans many ethnicities. Unless they're mixed with some other race, Arabs, Jews, and Hispanics all count as white. So yes, they're white but only racially.
2018-07-31 4:59 am
#LevelUp - Ciara
2018-07-31 4:38 am
2018-07-31 4:44 am
theyre mongrels

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