Democrats banned straws, so is the Blue Wave unstoppable now?

2018-07-30 8:33 am

回答 (9)

2018-07-30 8:45 am
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You can’t take away my straws unless it’s from my cold dead hands.

Libs create hysteria over the dumbest things.
2018-07-30 8:34 am
Give a customer a straw, Go to Jail!

Yep, that is the Democrat Party today.
2018-07-30 8:35 am
They didn't ban straws, just plastic ones. You do realize paper straws and reusable metal straws exist, right?
2018-07-30 8:37 am
Yeah Democrats believe plastic drinking straws are a worse threat than allowing illegals, criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists into the country.
So the unstoppable Blue Wave is very stoppable.
2018-07-30 8:35 am
You are old. You need a straw.
2018-07-30 8:39 am
That is just California for you, it is self degenerating and soon rot to oblivion.
The blue wave is that blue water going down the loo.
2018-07-30 8:39 am
First, Starbucks, then Marriott; now, Disney worldwide has banned the plastic straws from their theme parks. It seems that the only group with a legitimate beef against this wave of eco-activism might be those with disabilities. Yeah, it could be that the Blue Wave is picking up speed to being unstoppable.
2018-07-30 8:37 am
How f*****g dumb are the democrats,they'll apologize for street gang warfare,Islamic terrorists but will jail you for using a straw.

Tell me why you think this is remotely reasonable and sane...?
2018-08-05 8:27 am
California is a joke.

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