Can I still become a cop in ohio in the near future with my past drug use?

2018-07-29 9:53 pm
ive taken Molly once ever (a super small amount, it was petty lol) I’ve done lsd 5 or 6 times total within 2.5 years. Weed like maybe 3 times and it was just a hit maybe 2 because I was trying to fall asleep faster. Likely wouldn’t even show on any test but I don’t know. Haven’t done weed recently tho. And personally my biggest one being steroids. I’ve done about 4 cycles worth. This was the only legit drug I’ve taken (a lot) of. Over the span of a few years. Been off that for 4 months. The other stuff besides lsd shouldn’t even be considered :( lsd was used a month ago but before that time it’s been a good 9 months to a year before doing that. So overall I haven’t done a lot but a lot of it is recent as well and I’m wondering if I can get hired anywhere or when?? And if I knew how bad I wanted to be a cop just a month ago I wouldn’t have taken that tab of lsd :(

回答 (4)

2018-07-29 11:27 pm
There are 831 law enforcement agencies in Ohio and they all have their own qualifications and requirements in addition to those established by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission.

I checked a few online and none specifically mentioned their drug policy, but I suspect most will disqualify you for not only the type of drugs but the recency of use. I'm guessing a few would disqualify you simply for making it sound like it isn't a big deal and "shouldn't even be considered". If you do decide to pursue this, avoid comments like that. Keep in mind it is their opinion and not yours that will be considered.
2018-07-30 2:42 am
--So you're going to ruin peoples' lives for drugs?
--So you are going to ruin peoples' lives for consensual activity?
--So you are going to ruin peoples' lives for the same thing you have done?

It doesn't surprise me why people call police scumbags and hypocrites.
2018-07-29 11:59 pm
what if any convictions
2018-07-30 1:59 am
You DON'T want to be an officer. You want to be a TROLL on Yahoo. You need practice.

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