How does Melanoma Tramp speak 5 languages when she can barely speak English?

2018-07-29 3:03 am
I'm sure she has many oral skills but talking isn't one of them.

Being able to offer her bodily escort services in 5 languages doesn't constitute as speaking a language fluently.

回答 (20)

2018-07-29 3:04 am
She speaks better English than 95% of the trolls on this site. LOL
2018-07-29 3:08 am
Troll harder, loser.
2018-07-29 3:04 am
This must be another example of Liberals being pro-woman and being the tolerant ones.

Melania speaks English just fine. She has an accent, just like virtually every other immigrant. So what?

Maybe I'm being a little politically incorrect here, but Melania speaks English a hell of a lot better than a lot of native-born African-Americans.
2018-07-29 3:11 am
Use spellcheck, troll.
2018-07-29 3:07 am
50 bucks says you are a typical American who can only speak English
2018-07-29 3:11 am

Calling FLOTUS a deadly Skin Cancer, on TOP of your Ignorance of language

No wonder it is said that millennials come ot of college more stupid than when they go in.
2018-07-29 3:09 am
Oh GOD, you people don't say a word when an illegal comes into the US and decides to go on welfare,(who can't speak a word of English) but you criticize the president's wife every chance you get. You're all hypocrites.
2018-07-29 3:13 am
Even I know a few words in four other languages, LOL

2018-07-29 3:28 am
LOL. How many languages do you speak?
2018-07-29 4:02 am
*yawn* just another immature leftist loser spouting off. how usual.
2018-07-29 3:05 am
She is a Russian spy
2018-07-29 2:26 pm
You're just mad because she didn't learn Retard, which is your language.
2018-07-29 8:06 am
2018-07-29 8:16 am
You're just upset becaue men would rather experience her oral skills, instead of your oral skills as a gay prostitute.
2018-07-29 3:48 am
Mostly cutting and pasting her lines.
2018-07-29 3:36 am
She can probably barely count to 10 in all of them. Or ask "where is the disco."
2018-07-29 8:59 pm
2018-07-29 3:19 am
I can't judge her, we don't know her. She is foreign and can't express herself fully which is clear. I don't see a reason to dislike her, look many people dislike Trump. But Melania never did anything really to anyone.
2018-07-29 3:16 am
Surely one of them she speaks well.
2018-07-29 3:09 am
her language ability is very common in eastern europe

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