How much does a single brick cost at home depot?

2018-07-28 12:09 am
I'm trying to build my own fire pit.

回答 (12)

2018-08-29 9:56 pm
There are many styles and sizes of man made style bricks and cobblestones sold at home improvement stores.

Bricks are small, so you will need a lot of them to build a firepit. Some other building block type of products may cost more, but they are also bigger, so you will need less quantity.

In my area, bricks can cost 30 to 50 cents each. For a 3' diameter fire pit, you will need about 15 8" bricks to make your initial course/circle. If you create, say, four courses, you will need about 60 bricks @ 50 cents each, the cost will be $30.00.

You can go to and do a search for bricks to pick out what you find suitable for your project.

Visit to get some good fire pit ideas.
2018-08-11 6:14 am
HoDepot is a super-wonderful store BUT ............... since you are building a fire-pit you will be much happier if you go to a company that builds fireplaces and get the correct brick that will last for years =========
2018-07-31 7:11 am
68 cents I work there
2018-07-29 11:10 am
A common brick for the wall of a house? I couldn't find one listed at Home Depot. But I found one at Lowes, for 33¢:

For fire to actually lay on, or burn within an enclosed area or chimney, you need fire brick:
2018-08-01 12:48 am
Why not get on the web site for you local store and look there?
2018-07-28 9:57 am
65 cents. Calculate your number of bricks. But they must be fire brick, not ordinary bricks so that is probably more money.
2018-07-28 12:11 am
A single brick at Home Depot will cost around $5-$200. Simply go to the Home Depot website.
2018-07-28 9:37 am
It varies WIDELY by type of brick, and even from one geographical area to another.
That said, if you buy enough bricks at one time to build a fire pit, the price per brick will be less than that of a single brick.
2018-08-08 3:36 am
I would like top see fire pit made with one brick
2018-07-28 11:36 pm
It depends on the type of brick, and whatever Home Depot charges in your area.
2018-07-28 2:04 am
call them and ask or go there and ask.
2018-07-28 1:37 am
Since they have dozens of bricks, you will have to go to the website or a store and find one you like.

Basic clay bricks start at 35cents each.

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