請問樂於付出,不計得失翻成Be willing to give, regardless of gain and loss.這樣對嗎?

2018-07-27 11:53 pm

回答 (4)

2018-07-28 1:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
" 樂於付出,不計得失 ≡ Be willing to give, regardless of gain and loss. "
-- 這翻譯 很簡潔!
-- 建議 删去 "Be". 因為 " Be willing to give, regardless of gain and loss." 會譯成 : 「要(應)樂於付出,不計得失」

可有其他選擇 :-
Willing to give, disregarding personal gain or loss.
Willing to give, with no concern for one's personal gains or losses.
Willing to give, with no thought of gain or loss.
Willing to give, not taking into account of gain or loss.
Willing to give, irrespective of gain or loss.
2018-07-28 1:06 am
假設你會加回主語,當然可以。但要知道譯得好不好還要看前文後理。例如,樂於付出其實可以用Generous一個字,就算像你直譯,用willing to give和用willing to help也會令人感覺有點不同(是怎麼樣的付出)。同樣地,不計得失可以直譯,但如selfless一字也有近似意思。
2018-07-28 8:51 am
Willing to pay,(generous, to give, to help) regardless of gain or loss.
We need not regret losing or gaining !
2018-07-28 2:03 am
Whatever might be gained or lost, everything will be given away. Yip

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