請教 飯店櫃臺 常用日語/英語 請幫我翻譯以下內容(給我 英語、漢字句子&假名標記) 按順序回答 1.櫃臺您好 2.請問您幾號房? 3.有什麼需要服務! ----- 飯店您好 敝姓 XXX 很高興為您服務?

2018-07-27 7:59 pm

回答 (1)

2018-07-28 9:33 am
Warning:-The reception in a hotel is where guests are received and their reservations arranged,And enquiries are dealt with. A booking is the arrangement visitors make when they book a hotel room.-----Question to Guest of Honor:-Where is your "check in" booking, Sir ?

(1)This is Reception.
---Hello, how are you?
---My Guest of Honor !
(2)What's your room no.?What room no.do you ask for ?Where is your check-in booking, Sir,Madam ?
(3)What service do you need ?
(4)Hello, how are you?
---My name is XXX.Very happy to serve you, Sir and Madam. Attend to your inquiries, Sir and Madam.---My Guest of Honor !

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