am i pregnant? help?

2018-07-27 7:26 am
So about a week ago i had sex 3 times after my period. I’m on birth control and i take it everyday at the same time for almost a year now and my bf wore a condom each time and they didnt break and he didnt ejaculate in me either. but its like day 16 of my cycle and my boobs are bigger than normal and my discharge is more of a brown color but not like spotting.. its a thick discharge. should i be worried?

回答 (4)

2018-07-27 11:42 pm
Period or ovulation
2018-07-27 9:53 am
If you are birth control, no you should not be pregnant, even if he ejaculated. Pills are about 99 percent -plus effective, you can always do a simple urine test however.
2018-07-27 7:47 am
Drug stores sell test kits.
2018-07-27 7:42 am
You know there's a simple test for that, right?

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