2018-07-26 9:18 pm
So i had sex 3 times after my period ended, i used birth control which ive been on for almost a year now and i take it at the same time everyday (never missed one ever) and i made my bf use a condom each time. the condoms didnt break or leak because we checked with water after and he didnt even ejaculate. My boobs feel bigger than normal randomly so am i pregnant??

回答 (3)

2018-07-26 9:22 pm
You should just blow each other if you are that worried.
2018-07-27 1:38 am
Birth control can cause you to have bigger breasts and tender breasts. Could just be a side effect of that. It would be very unlikely that you got pregnant when on the pill and using a condom at the same time.
2018-07-26 9:42 pm
Why exactly do you think you are pregnant?
You are using TWO highly reliable methods of birth control.

But given that you and your partner are so anxious that he isn't even able to ejaculate during sex, and you find it necessary to do weird games with water and used condoms afterwards -- you need to STOP having sex. Neither of you is ready.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:07:12
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