"While" 與 "When" 有沒有分別?

2018-07-26 6:25 pm

回答 (3)

2018-07-26 8:49 pm
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while n, period of time:-
eg:-Where have you been all this "while" ?
eg:-We're going away for a "while".
eg:-I'll be back in a "while".
conjunction:-during the time that; for as long as; at the same time as:-
eg:-He fell asleep "while" he was doing his English exercises.
eg:-"While" in London he studied English Language.
eg:-"While" (=as long as) there is life there is hope.
Implying a concession=although;
eg:-"While" I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't agree that they cannot be solved in your posting.
when adv; at what time; on what occasion;-
eg:-"When" can you come?
eg:-"When" did that happen ?
eg:-I don't know "when" that happened.
as relative adverb (with day, time, etc. at or on which;)
eg:-Sunday is the day "when" I am least busy.
eg:-There are times "when" joking is not permissible !
as conjunction:-at or during the time that:-
eg:-It was raining "when" I arrived.
eg:-She waved "when" she saw me.
eg:-"When" speaking English, we often make mistakes.
eg:-The president will visit the College,"when" she will give a speech.
since; considering that:-
eg:-How can I help her "when" she won't listen to me ?
2018-07-26 7:06 pm
當然有分別! 舉例來說:

(1) I will marry you when you buy a house.

(2) I will marry you while you buy (are buying) a house.

(1)有已經買完房子的意思 所以買房是結婚你的條件
2018-07-26 10:12 pm

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