
2018-07-25 9:46 am

回答 (6)

2018-07-27 11:45 am

1.One root 是專有名詞,第1個字母必須大寫,請修正為One Root
2.“多種草本精油萃取”請修正為Essential oil extracts of various herbs
3.純水 pure water, 辣椒 pepper
4.清涼舒緩、spa按摩、皮膚外用 For soothing and cooling skin , spa massage , but external use only.
5.This is external use only, not for drinking, keeping it in cool and dark, keeping in the place children can not reach
The product is for external use only, don’t eat it, please keep it in cool place and keep away from children
6.“王牌”建議以”The King”表達,且字外的括符不可省略。
7. 舒緩疲勞,舒適感直透深層 Soothing tired or sore muscles, the comfort feeling will seep into deep skin.
8.Precautions: 6 hours using time is appropriate,for sensitive skin the time should be shorten
2018-07-25 2:00 pm
Errors and corrections are written in (round brackets):-
(1)(The) Kings----not Kings, being brand-name.
(3)(usage)---not use;
(5)(The) (Kings)----not Kings, being brand-name.
(7)---(penetrate) deep (relaxing)-----not deep.
(8)---is appropriate----not appropriately
-------the (usage) time----not the time.
2018-07-25 1:14 pm
1.If MISUSE(被誤用-應使用假設語氣 – 假如被誤用 – 應用過去式) please flush immediately.
misuse ==> misused
If misused please flush immediately.

2.Ingredients: One root extract ( one root 是個植物名嗎? 如不是,拿掉吧。如是用one root就好), Essential oil extract (既是成分,不該如此含糊,且後面沒有含糊啊 – 依後面的寫法需拿掉。如是多種精油,需用複數: essential oils extracts), Jojoba oil (ㄧ般植物名用小寫就好) , Peppermint oil (ㄧ般植物名用物小寫要就好), Lanolin oil (ㄧ般植物名用小寫就好, Water (用小寫就好), Clove oil (用小寫就好), Chill(ㄧ般植物名用小寫要就好)
Ingredients: jojoba oil, peppermint oil, lanolin oil, water, clove oil, chill

3.Ingredients: One root extract ( one root 是個植物名嗎? 如不是,拿掉吧。如是用one root就好), Lavender (ㄧ般植物名用小寫a就好) essential oil, Eucalyptus (ㄧ般植物名用小寫就好) essential oil, Mint (ㄧ般植物名用小寫要就好) leaf extract, Chili Essential oil (ㄧ般植物名用小寫就好,Essential 也沒需要大寫), Zinc oxide (用小寫就好), Resin (用小寫就好)
Ingredients: lavender essential oil, Eucalyptus essential oil, Mint leaf extract, chili Essential oil, zinc oxide, resin

4.Effect(很多功效—用Effects較好): Soothes (soothes 用於三單,在此改為soothing 就可) tired or sore muscles. Comfortable and deep(改成, a pleasant comfortable and deep relaxation 較好—這些功效會有愉悅的舒適與深層的放鬆 ).
Effects: soothing the tired or sore muscles and producing a pleasant comfortable and deep relaxation.

5. precautions (作某事以防止某事發生/預防 – 不太合句意,宜改為專業建議:advice): 6 Hours(hours為何需要大寫) is appropriately(不需用副詞 -- 改用行容詞前面加副詞: most)
Advice: 6 hours is most appropriate
2018-07-25 9:56 am
根據該附表,本人查看後認為所翻譯的英文正確. Yip
2018-07-27 11:41 pm
用途用"Uses"沒問題但要眾數,"Usage"是用法,錯。"Soothing symptom relief" 不好,舒緩甚麼症狀了?不明確,改用"XXX relief"好了,muscle, pain, sore, tried...甚麼的自己去想去拼湊。按摩也不用提spa,除非你是指加進水泡。皮膚外用在用途欄不宜以"for external use"說明,可以一開頭說"Apply on skin for...(用途)..."。那款膏布如要突顯深層可用"Deep relief for XXX",也就是深層舒緩XXX,不用deep用penetrating也可。
警告嘛,甚麼"Not for drinking"?那"Cooking"就可以嗎?應該是"Not for orally use"或"Not to be taken orally"。下面一句是"Store in a cool and dark place";再下面是"Keep out of reach of children";又再下面是"Do not apply on wounds or damaged skin。另外,"misuse"好像也不太好,不過現在我想不到其他。最後六小時那個,我搞不明是建議用六小時還是不要用超過六小時,你自己搞好它。
2018-07-25 10:35 am

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