Rock & Metal: A prayer for the victims of Greece?

2018-07-25 9:13 am
Yesterday I posted here a video of Accept playing on Greece that was just a ironic post however today as a sad coincidence I was surprised with these tragic news at least 74 victims killed by a massive wildfire there.

Post some greek band as a homage to the victims...

This is ROTTING CHRIST... It's not another irony ok they're probably the most popular Metal band from Greece.

回答 (3)

2018-07-26 10:08 pm
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This came to my mind:

Astarte - Everlast II (Phoenix Rising)
2018-07-26 2:30 am
Tragic indeed. Though being the cynical bastard that I am, it wouldn't surprise me if it was deliberate. Having saying that there's been plenty of unpredictable weather going on lately. Anyway here's Nightstalker with Children Of The Sun
2018-07-26 3:48 am
Very interesting choice for a song. At least you are thinking about them.

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