Well my dear headbangers I believe this picture proofs who is bigger?

2018-07-24 2:13 pm
Have a goodnight!

回答 (8)

2018-07-25 8:40 am
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Man, that was easy
2018-07-25 9:03 am
But why is Acc.ept headliners on that poster? Where is Wacken? It aint in New Jersey. It aint even in Britain. Its in Germany. Where is Accept from? If not Germany, Europe.

You got to remember that before Accept, we Europeans didnt have a "Pantera" or an "Anthrax". Sure we had the Scorpions, but they wasted no time in heading straight to Japan and kissing their azzes for 5 years until they hit big in America with "Rock You Like A Hurricane".

Anyway when Accept hit big in 82 or 84 or 97 or whenever it was, that was "our" band. Know what I mean?
參考: 8868
2018-07-25 5:12 am
Don't remind me, still raging over not seeing Savatage back then. I guess I'll just have to accept it....and that Accept were there the year before.
2018-07-24 2:23 pm
2018-07-24 2:20 pm
Have a goodnight
2018-07-25 1:09 am
One poster for one show. Proves nothing.
2018-07-24 3:19 pm
No, it proves precisely nothing. There are about 8 separate stages at the festival. Just because one act is billed as the headliner, that doesn't make them the biggest draw for the fans. Plus, this is a German festival, obviously they are going to promote German bands before British bands. If you honestly think that a greater number of people would rather see Accept than Judas Priest you must be mad.
2018-07-24 5:21 pm
No Metallica? the biggest heavy metal band in the world.

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