Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences by means of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary?

2018-07-24 12:17 pm
Use who / whom / whose / which / when / where / why to join the sentence

1. They went to the Ocean Park. They had always wanted to visit the Ocean Park.

2. She swam across the England Channel. It was very rough at that time of the year.

3. Hong Kong is now a commercial and financial centre in the Far East. It was a small fishing village a hundred and fifity years ago.

4. Portuguese is still an important language in Macau. It was ceded to the Portugal a hundred years ago.

回答 (1)

2018-07-24 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) They went to the Ocean Park, where they had always wanted to visit.
註 : "the Ocean Park" is a PLACE, ∴ 用 "WHERE"

(2) She swam across the England Channel, when It was very rough at that time of the year.
註 : "at that time of the year" is concerned with TIME, ∴ 用 "WHEN"
意思是 : She swam across the England Channel, 正當一年中 the sea was very rough 的時候

(3) Hong Kong, which was a small fishing village a hundred and fifty years ago, is now a commercial and financial centre in the Far East.

(4) Why is Portuguese still an important language in Macau? It was ceded to the Portugal a hundred years ago.
註 : "Macau was ceded to the Portugal a hundred years ago." 解釋了為甚麽 " Portuguese is still an important language in Macau." ∴ 用 "WHY"

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