If you bake store bought frozen foods instead of deep frying is it healthier?

2018-07-23 11:31 pm
I’m on a diet and i was wondering weather i could eat the frozen store bought foods such as nuggets and stuff. They are usually deep fried but if i bake them in the oven will it be fewer caories and okay for a diet? The frozen foods include chicken nuggets, tender pops(chicken bites) burger patties etc. They are chicken but yes have a batter coating like every other frozen product

回答 (7)

2018-07-24 12:05 am
Processed (think "already prepared") food is, for the most part, not healthful food. The processed foods that ARE more healthful are often very expensive.
Learn to cook. It's cheaper, and it's better for you.
2018-07-23 11:51 pm
Hi the issue is not the cooking method but the food itself is high in saturated fat.
2018-07-23 11:38 pm
Frozen food has a large amount of sodium that is used to a preservative. I am not sure that exclusively eating them will be good for you or your diet.
2018-07-24 5:21 am
If you're eating that crap on a diet, what is the point of the diet? Are you trying to gain weight or raise your cholesterol levels?
2018-07-24 4:24 am
You would be better off buying a package of chicken and making it yourself rather than buying chopped, formed fried and frozen chicken bits.
You can control the ingredients, the salt as well as the quality of the meat that goes into your meal.

But to answer your basic question baking the frozen meals you buy would be healthier by just a bit.
2018-07-25 8:53 am
Those foods have already been deep fried so they are pretty terrible choices if you are on a diet but yes, if you bake them with no oil they are a little terrible.
2018-07-24 2:10 am
The foods you mention are not in general, Healthy. Better taking some raw chicken and making something similar yourself. Try reading the ingredient list(look up some of the ingredients if you have to). If you are trying to lose weight, try eating a lot of Fresh vegetables and less pre made food that contains a lot of salt and preservatives.

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