Could you be the President of the United States of America?

2018-07-23 9:46 am

回答 (12)

2018-07-23 9:55 am
Legally, yes, but I don't have the temperament for it. If I don't get to hang people I don't want the job.
參考: [n] = 10ⁿ
2018-07-23 10:11 am
I think I could do a decent job, but there is no way I would ever want it.
2018-07-23 3:40 pm
Anybody could do a better job than Trump
2018-07-23 10:06 am
Nope. Too short-tempered.
2018-07-23 9:59 am
Depends what type of president.

Could I be the type of president that vacations for fun every week and watches lots of T.V? Absolutely. Anyone could, if they got elected of course.

Could I be the type of president that drastically improves the economy, makes peace with our enemies, and raises the quality of life? Probably not.
2018-07-23 9:49 am
I don't have the right personality disorder.
2018-07-23 9:48 am
No, you have to be VERY seriously power hungry to take on all that responsibility and headache.
2018-07-23 10:20 am
I doubt it.

I am a pacifist, socialist and atheist. If i were to become president of the United States, i would cut military spending and invest into education, healthcare and domestic production. Stop interfering, overthrowing governments and supporting terrorist groups around the world. Dismantle the military industrial complex and enforce separation of church and state. I would hire private security contractors for schools and install metal detectors in schools. I would close most of the completely useless US military bases around the world and instead concentrate the troops on better border regulation.

But if course, someone like me would never be elected in America. And even if i would, i would probably be assassinated within a week.
2018-07-23 10:14 am
first trump just proved..ANYBODY can be the president....but its up to the real american dark leaders,and how rich you are,america is dying and not one person seems to care..
2018-07-23 9:54 am
Maybe but the real question is why would I want to?
2018-07-23 9:48 am

Edit: And why not? I meet all of the Constitutional requirements.
2018-07-23 9:50 am
I used to think so but after Trump's win I realize I would have to kill much of the mainstream media .
參考: CNN & MSNBC ,,,, Help Wanted Apply Within

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