How to be a nicer person?

2018-07-23 6:35 am
I hope this question doesn’t sound silly, but I am a genuinely nice person deep down, but I get angry easy and always seem to join in with bitchiness. I can be very judgemental and cruel to people sometimes and I really don’t like that side of me at all. I carry a lot of anger and hurt in me due to past experiences and wonder if it’s maybe something to do with that, but I am tired of my nasty side and just want to be nice to people. I don’t want to make people sad! How to I stop having nasty/jealous/angry thoughts? The weird thing is I’m also very empathic and absorb people’s feelings too. I’m a bit of a paradox really, I can be so nice yet so nasty other times but that’s not good enough and I know that I should never be unkind

回答 (4)

2018-07-23 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
One of the most popular slogans of pop psychology is "Be yourself." This can be taken different ways.

There's a good way to make use of the idea, and this is not trying to pass yourself off as something you're obviously not - not being a poser that people can easily see through.

However, too often people take "Be yourself" to mean "Act on impulse, look before you leap, say the first thing that pops into your head." This notion causes lots of problems, lots of hurt feelings and fights.

Another pop psychology idea you hear a lot is that being self-conscious is bad, which is not altogether true. You can take self-consciousness to the extreme so that you're afraid to say anything, but as I said, it's also a mistake to say whatever pops into your head.

When somebody says "Be yourself," remember that your personality is still under construction. Every day, you're making yourself.

One of the most popular self-help books ever written is How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It emphasizes the importance of being careful about your speech, especially when you're developing your social skills.

The daughter of the self-help legend, Donna Carnegie, has written a version of her father's classic "For Teen Girls."

Another important thing is that you'll find it easier to be polite when the people you're with are polite.
2018-07-23 2:46 pm
Your question sounds very sensible and well

Thought out.

Perhaps do an Assertiveness workshop

To be clearer in your thinking thanks.

Very best wishes for your happiness


Source:) Study.
2018-07-24 12:13 am
Just smile be friendly
2018-07-23 10:24 am
When you're treating someone badly,imagine if someone was doing that to you.

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