What would a round shot do to the body?

2018-07-22 7:44 am
I wanted to know as you see in movies people just flying about the place. I understand, if it rips into a limb, that limb would most likely be torn off but what about the torso? Would the body go flying back or just fall down? I know this is a fairly morbid question but its just something what has been in my mind for a few years.

回答 (3)

2018-07-22 8:30 pm
Bullets to the torso do a lot of damage inside, rupturing organs and causing internal bleeding. Left untreated, almost any torso wound would eventually be fatal. But, unless the bullet hits part of the central nervous system, brain or spine, then the person is often not blown off their feet at all - in fact they can go on and fight sometimes for ten more minutes before finally collapsing. People often don't even realize they are shot until things calm down.
2018-07-22 10:43 am
Please ask a police officer regarding

Ballistics thanks?

Very best wishes for your future


Source:) Ethics
2018-07-22 7:49 am
It depends in the caliber and how much powder is behind it. I have a box of 50 caliber lead balls that I use in my slingshot. They do some serious damage with that thing. I sure wouldn't want to get hit with one fired from a musket.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:20:41
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