Tattoo wording suggestions? Concept: imagine what you could do if you weren’t limited by your mind. Need to shorten iT?

2018-07-22 3:06 am
Love this concept and I apply it to my life ever since I heard it. I’m thinking “limitless mind”. I don’t want it to be so long, just a few words. Any other ideas? Thanks :)

回答 (2)

2018-07-22 3:11 am
How much do you want to keep these words versus the concept they express?
Imagine what you could do if you weren't limited by your mind.
What could you do if nothing stopped you?
Possibility: The Mind Without Limits
How far could you go if you didn't stop yourself?

I'm not impressed with any of those, but they're all shorter.
2018-07-23 9:10 am
Just a square with the word think outside it. Think outside the box.

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