Which Degree is better? A.A. A.A.S OR A.S?

2018-07-21 11:21 pm
I’m going school for Information Systems, OR information technology. I thought they would be the same thing until I spoke with my advisor about it.

The IST is an AAS degree
The IT Is an AS degree

I know the difference between the two (apparently the AAS gives you the option to start work immediately after graduation, however they have ties to certain 4-year colleges in area)

While with AS it might be harder transferring certain credits (but could possibly be used nationwide) I’m just a little confused on which may be better for a person who doesn’t know what state they want to be in just yet

回答 (2)

2018-07-22 5:59 am
Those degrees are all "equal" two year degrees, and if obtained at a regionally accredited community college most credits should transfer to most accredited four year colleges, with some exceptions. The difference in the degree names is related to the classes required to obtain the degree. You really need to decide what field you want to major in if you want to accrue transferable credits.
2018-07-21 11:39 pm
MD phD

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