Put the verbs in the correct tense?

2018-07-21 9:28 am
1. The man (hop) into the car before I could catch him.

2. Mr.Lam (say) that he would help me if I (ask) him.

3. There wasn't much oil in the lamp and it soon (go) out.

回答 (2)

2018-07-21 4:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The man hopped into the car before I could catch him.

2.Mr. Lam said that he would help me if I asked him.
ask是有可能發生的狀況,而help是在ask之後發生(would help是過去的未來狀況)。在Mr. Lam的心中,兩者都可能發生:我可能向Mr. Lam要求幫忙。

Mr. Lam said that he would have help me if I had asked him.
這樣所述才是不實的狀況:我沒有要求Mr. Lam幫我的忙。(用假設語氣:過去完成式)

3. There wasn't much oil in the lamp, and it soon went out.
2018-07-21 10:33 am
1. The man (hop) into the car before I could catch him.
Had hopped -- could catch 能抓住他 – 意為過去沒能抓住他--是過去式,故hop(動作在could catch之前)宜用過去完成式,意為過去已經
2. Mr. Lam (say) that he would help me if I (ask) him.
said– 用過去式, 配合之後句與過去事實相反的假設語氣
asked – if I asked 為假設語氣,意為我過去沒有問他( if + 過去式動詞… would + 原型動詞)
3. There wasn't much oil in the lamp and it soon (go) out.
Went – 配合前詞過去式-- 燈裡過去沒有很多油,燈很快熄滅(也是過去),應用是過去式

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