Taking Klonopin for test anxiety?

2018-07-21 7:47 am
So I have generalized anxiety that I ve managed most of my life and it was only recently that I started seeing a therapist for it. He prescribed me 0.5 klonopin for days I have severe anxiety (b/c mine is very situational). I stopped seeing the therapist because I was able to get my anxiety under control....but it was recently flared up due to a big board exam I have this week. Basically to get to the point, I have the bottle of klonopin left and I was thinking about using it to combat the test anxiety, as I do very much believe that it affects my performance and confidence. Would it be a bad idea to take it the night before or the morning of? I did a trial of half a 0.5 mg today and felt pretty calm, but i do believe I was a little slower in thinking. Does anyone have any experience with this?

回答 (2)

2018-07-21 8:03 am
Some anxiety drugs take more then a week to kick in. Don't stop seeing your therapist, some issues may come up that you're unable to control or deal with.
I'm on Milan Buproption, which works for me. The only side affect I get from that is being nauseous for an hour or two after taking it;
Do not over dose your self on the medication, only take what is necessary to get you through the day.
If it's not working for you then consider going back to your doctor and switching medications.
2018-07-21 7:51 am
I took Klonopin daily for a year. Amazingly it did not affect my reading and writing ability at all. I can't relate ut to taking tests but, I was able to function very well in forums , usually winning the debate.

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