What to get my best friend for his 27 birthday?

2018-07-20 11:23 pm
My friend is black, loves Christ and Music. He is a good singer and has recorded music and knows alot about being in the studio. He doesn't drive but is a good person. He's also likes food and girls but keep in mind that he is a Christian lol. He's been talking about this mic that has been wanting but it cost way to much like eight hundred & I don't have that type of money rn. I'm just at a lost and blank so I thought I'd ask..

回答 (4)

2018-07-21 3:11 am
if he is a real friend , he will appreciate anything you give him. Even just hanging out with him and doing whatever he enjoys
2018-07-21 1:27 am
You could always buy a nice card, write a nice note in the card, and give him what cash you comfortably can, telling him to use it towards the mic. Or take him out for a birthday meal, and give him a small gift, like a designer beer, a book, or a pocketknife.
2018-07-20 11:26 pm
A Billy Preston album.
2018-07-20 11:26 pm
Get him a car

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