"date" 與 "day" 有什麼分別?

2018-07-20 1:04 pm

回答 (4)

2018-07-20 4:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
date = 日期...要寫時年月日
day = 一星期中的那一日...Monday=星期一,...Sunday=星期日, etc.


老婆問老公:What day is today?就不是答今天是"星期幾"而可能"今天是結婚週年紀念日"或"她的生日"。


What day do you want to have a date?
2018-07-20 3:02 pm
What’s the date(月日/日期) of next meeting?
What’s today’s date(月日/日期)?
We agreed to meet again at a later date(月日/日期).
He has been working all day(天).
The following day(天), a letter arrived.
接下來的一天, 收到了一封信。
We spent three days(天) in Paris.
2018-07-20 6:38 pm
about a pareticular day, month, and year.
The date on the letter was 20th July 2018.
Please write your name, address, and date of birth on the form.
A date for the next office meeting.
Set a date:-Have you set a date for the bang-bang ?
At a later date:-We'll deal with this problem at a later date.
To date:-To date there has been no improvement in his health condition.He's dying.
go out on a date:-We're going out on a date Saturday Night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!someone that you have a date with= Can I bring my "date" to the dancing party ?
Let's make a date to go and see the president one day next week.
He has been working all day.
His day begins at nine.
It's been a very long day-D-day.
I've been studying all day. I'm tired !!!!!!!!!!
The day will come when I lose my eyesight on e-games completely.
I might find the time to clean the house one of these days.
I just saw her the day before yesterday.
We spent three days in Kaohuang
We're leaving for HK the day after tomorrow.
What day is it today ?
2018-07-26 1:09 pm
date means the numerical representation of that particular day in terms of calendar;
day means the "day" in general

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