What should I do about my credit cards ?

2018-07-20 10:18 am
So I have about 6 crest cards I’m laying off and a loan of 1500. My credit has went to **** because I struggle paying all of these different payments a month. If I had just one payment a month then I could do it but it’s really hard to keep up with all these cards. I’m only 24 and I wanna pay off my debt ASAP but can’t get approved for a personal loan to pay them all off and have one payment. I know I need to make more than the minimum each month to pay these off but I literally can’t afford to. I have about 8k in credit card debt and I feel like it’s just never gonna go away. Anyways does anyone have any suggestions? Also I currently don’t use these cards anymore

回答 (10)

2018-07-20 10:24 am
You could try to declare bankruptcy. Without knowing your total income and debt load, there is no way to give any specific advice.
2018-07-21 7:31 pm
Try to avoid sub-prime lenders because they charge higher interest rates.

Try to obtain a credit card from a mainstream provider instead, because they charge lower interest rates; but you need a good credit record to do this.
2018-07-21 6:17 pm
throw up garbeg
2018-07-21 3:05 pm
A loan from the bank of Mom and Dad - if they trust you are sincere about changing your spending habits and faithfully repaying them. Put everything in writing.
參考: I bailed out each of my kids ONCE.
2018-07-20 5:28 pm
The number of payments is irrelevant. You need to pay the minimum on all the cards and then use whatever you have left to pay off the card with the highest interest rate. And you need to boost your income.
2018-07-20 1:16 pm
Get a second job and work your *ss off to continue paying off the minimum on all of them and pay off the one with the highest interest ASAP. Don't buy what you can't afford. Of course you can't get a loan. The ONLY way you can get a loan when you have debt is if you have a house with lots of equity in it. They will lien your house until your loan has been paid. For you - work your *ss off until they are paid because flushing interest down the toilet every month is a stupid way to live your life. It's called "reckless spending". Good thing you asked while the debt is still manageable. Some people wait much longer and it buries them.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2018-07-20 12:00 pm
There is no magic answer. If you would have asked before your credit went bad, they would have reduced your interest rate which would have helped some.

All you can do is get whatever job you can for now and pay, then when you get a better job, also get another part time job and then pay extra.

When I was younger and went to a bar every weekend, this young attractive waitress worked there and of course all the guys hit on her. I asked her one night and she said over $125 in tips every night. She did that for 3-4 months and saved 100% and used it or a down payment on a house.

As far as paying extra, after making the minimum, pay extra on the one with the highest rate first.

You can ASK if they will lower your rate and they may do it if you have never been late on that card. But if you have constantly been late, they won't do it.
2018-07-20 10:32 am
This was not my finest moment, but when I was younger I lied about my income to qualify for a Discover personal loan. Technically, they asked for household income- not what I had access to. I consolidated at a low interest rate and eventually paid off the debt.
2018-07-20 10:31 am
just stop using it and then you'll stop owing more
2018-07-21 2:54 am
You're in over your head in debt. Just wait the 7 years and it will fall off automatically
參考: Retired bill collector 35 years

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