DUI need to know?

2018-07-20 5:23 am
Can a third DUI be reduced to a impaired driving if it's you're third??

回答 (8)

2018-07-20 5:25 am
You will have to talk to a lawyer about that, because we do not know the circumstances. But anyway - the moral thing to be done here is that you lose your drivers licenses and do not drive any more.
2018-07-20 7:15 am
Could it? I suppose.

Will it happen? Almost certainly not. No need to give someone a break when they didn't learn after the first two times.
2018-07-21 2:37 am
Sure, but it's not up to the accused driver.
2018-07-20 2:25 pm
It depends upon how solid the state's evidence is. If they have a weak case, they might be willing to plea it down. Being that it's your third time through the system, it's unlikely that you'll find any sympathy though.
2018-07-20 5:51 am
Not if you had more than the legal limit of alcohol in your system
2018-07-20 5:37 am
No. Now it's a felony and you WILL do time.
2018-07-20 5:25 am
If its a third I suspect you have a problem or two,ones alcohol the other getting your license being revoked
2018-07-20 7:34 am
Look up impaired driving. If such a charge even exists in your jurisdiction, I BET it is the actually term for DUI in that jurisdiction.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:10:04
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