Cell phone signal strength different on 2 phones.?

2018-07-19 3:15 am
I have a iPhone SE and recently picked up an LG Q6.
Where the iPhone at home and work would get 2-3 bars the Q6 barely gets a bar at work and keeps dropping signal and at home lucky to get 2 bars.
Even if I’m outside it’s low on bars.
Is this just how it is or can this be dealt with?

回答 (2)

2018-07-19 5:35 am
Signal strength indicators,
even on seriously expensive consumer equipment,
are rarely accurate.

All you can do is learn to live with the differences.
2018-07-19 3:49 am
The bars are meant solely as a guide and there are no standards.

If the phone works, then there's no issue.

There are apps for Android to see the actual incoming signal strength and unless something has changed since the 4S, Apple has this locked down.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:07:20
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