Jen is my nik name,is that good?

2018-07-18 2:54 pm

回答 (3)

2018-07-19 7:46 am
Nick-name is an informal name for a female person that is connected with their real name, their personality or appearance, or with something they have done.
She was nicknamed "Jen" meaning all those Common first female names,variant spellings and forms are included,given:-
eg:-(Not "Jam" in which this particular sound is pronounced.=)Jane, Janet, Janice, Janis, Jasmine, Jean, Jeanette, Jennifer(=Jenny=Jen=JEN)=being included, happening in groups of 10 female people names=one single name=Jen.
Hence you are nicknamed "Jen."
2018-07-21 9:50 am
Amendment: Jane is my nickname,How's that ? Yip
2018-07-18 11:45 pm
字寫錯了 "nik name" 應改是 "nickname"
畢竟jam 意思之一為果醬,甜甜的,很多人用此綽號

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