法律問題- 在某知名食肆內跣倒想向該食肆申索賠償程序手續……?

2018-07-17 7:06 pm
本人早日與朋友去到某知名食市內用膳,後來本人去洗手間 ,但在去洗手間途中該食肆的地板實在太過光滑,以致特然令致本人跣倒,倒下後在旁邊有兩三台食客都望著本人及詢問本人需要協助嗎?其後本人起身發覺手掌骨及手臂即時有痛楚的感覺! 而當時該店的負責人也看見本人跌倒其後立即向本人查詢情况!而最後本人因不想破壞當時同朋友用膳的氣氛所以也繼續至用膳完畢結帳離開( 當時付款結帳 係全數付清 一點折扣也沒有),而當時我向該食店負責人追問責任問後該負責人也用白紙黑字寫下該食肆日後會負責剛才本人跌倒所需的醫療費用……,現本人想知道除咗醫療費用之外,在香港法例上本人可以再向其申索本人當時所承受不必要痛楚心靈上的損失嗎?最基本可以向該食肆申索多少錢呢有冇一個最低的銀碼?手續程式怎樣?謝謝……。

回答 (1)

2018-07-18 3:32 am
1. Yes.

2. No. No minimum exists. It is based on what kind of evidence you have to show your injury.

3. At the minimum, if the restaurant claims it will be responsible for the injury, you send your request for compensation in writing to the restaurant first (with proof) and see how they respond. If you are not happy about its response (or non-response), then you can either sue the restaurant in the Small Claims Tribunal or hire a lawyer, depending on the amount you are asking.

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