Two questions about puppies?

2018-07-17 6:43 pm
My puppy is ten weeks old . She is energetic , fun and playful . However when I take her outside on her harness and leash , she will roam around the back yard , and jump and play and roll around in the grass. She will chase insects etc....

My concern though is that she will not walk willingly on the leash . If you try to walk her on the sidewalk she will not lead , nor will she follow . I just pick her up and carry her , after she has been outside for 15 minutes and it is time to come inside.

Is this typical of some dogs to not walk on a leash and just simply be happy roaming around in the backyard ? Or is it unhealthy for her to not go on walks?

My second question is if the puppy potty training spray works?

My new puppy which I brought home two weeks ago ( the ten week old ) which I described above , has been pooping and peeing on my area rug below the coffee table . How can I get her to use the litterbox which I have for her in the bathroom? Can I spray the potty training spray in the litter box to attract her and encourage her to use the box?

回答 (20)

2018-07-19 6:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
I’d continue to work with your pup with the leash. Just to get her used to it. She is very young and will learn with time. I have an 8 week old puppy who’s not used to a leash either. When they are so young like this they have such short attention spans and will take time to walk properly on a leash. As far as the spray goes, my husband and I actually bought it and we’ve had less accidents. But I also take my puppy out to go potty every 1-2 hours. Even 2-3 hours is good. She’s so little and will learn this all with time :) good luck!
2018-07-17 8:01 pm
Of course a lot of puppies don't like going out on a lead to start with. You have to be patient with her and no it won't be best for her to spend all her time in a garden...far from it as she needs socialisation.

And train her to go OUTSIDE for her pee's...never indoors. You will just train her to use your house as a toilet.
2018-07-18 5:22 am
Oh my GOD are you an idiot!!!

1) This puppy is TEN WEEKS OLD! It's far too young to teach it to walk on leash.
2) At 10 weeks old it shouldn't be going anywhere near any other dogs so do NOT leave your property with this puppy. It needs to have all of its shots including rabies AND be Parvo tested.
3) A LITTER BOX? This is a puppy not a kitten. A litter box is only going to teach it to piss and poop indoors. CRATE the puppy when you aren't home and let it out every few hours to go potty.
2018-07-19 6:08 am
Dogs are NOT cats. They don't use litter boxes. All you are doing is teaching your puppy its ok to use any place in the house as their toilet - that is why she is peeing all over.

Take the puppy outside every 2-3 hours on a leash and do nothing but encourage her to pee/poop. THEN she can play in the yard. She has no clue as to what is expected of her.
2018-07-17 8:08 pm
Dogs are not born knowing how to walk on a leash.
Be patient with your puppy and look up POSITIVE training and do only POSITIVE training.

The higher energy the dog, the longer it will take for them to learn to walk nicely on a leash.

It is also totally normal for puppies to take MONTHS to learn housetraining. Read up on it, use only POSITIVE training methods.

Your puppy is a BABY. Just like you wouldn’t expect a human baby to walk or carry on a conversation or “just know” about using a potty, you can’t expect your baby dog to “just know” how you want it to behave.

As the human in charge it is UP TO YOU to learn how to teach your puppy and gently guide it into the behaviors you want and to structure it’s environment so it can be successful and well adjusted.
2018-07-19 1:40 am
Zak George on YouTube has some helpful puppy training tips. Try to break the potty issue because a lot of dogs end up choosing a spot to potty and they'll keep using that spot. Take puppy out often and reward/praise her when it goes outside or in the litter box. Good luck!
2018-07-18 12:58 am
Use a lure srick to teach her to walk on a leash. Also maybe a friend with a dog to walk with you so the puppy can pick it up from the trained dog. IDK about sprays. My puppies go out with the older dogs and housetrain that way.
2018-07-17 11:23 pm
She is too young to know, too young to train, training takes months & months when she is old enough. You can teach her to go potty OUTSIDE. Google 'how to potty train a puppy' & train to go OUTSIDE. They are not born knowing everything you'd like her to know, they know nothing at this point. You have to teach your dog to do the things you wish them to do.

The first two things you train into a pup is to take potty OUTSIDE & you have to teach them not to bite. Every puppy bites & it is up to every owner to teach their pup not to bite.

You got lots of training a head of you & you need to know what you are doing & why. Tons of research will be necessary cause you don't know anything now either.

How to potty train a puppy?
Teach puppy not to bite.
Basic Obedience for puppies.
How to raise a puppy?
What do I need to teach my puppy?

Just google 'em. There is much much more but these are just the basics.
2018-07-18 12:37 pm
Hey!! You must be new at this haha. Don’t worry, puppies eventually learn o walk on a leash when they’re old enough to go outside. Your puppy is ten weeks old, it’s extremely young of course it goes potty inside and can’t walk on a leash that’s nothing to be worried about.
My advice is that you let it get used to being on a leash maybe a few times a week and when it’s 2+ months old and you take it out it’ll learn on its own.
And for the potty issue, don’t get no litter box or spray taking it outside when you catch it squatting to do their thing will suffice and it’ll learn sooner or later. You don’t need to be so nervous.
Good luck!
2018-07-18 9:12 am
The husband on the show the little couple has a dog shop where they live and he just got approved to make a special puppy pad for training your dog where it is exactly like a regular puppy pad but it opens up into a big square and there's a cut out of a fire hydrant in it he attached the fire hydrant so that when you open it it's like a pop-up book . And it entices the dog to go because of the shape and he tested it on his own dog. You might see if you can find those it entices the dog to go more frequently on the pad because his dog was going on the edges and getting on the carpet and not really using the pad and my dad had way horrible trouble with that himself.

I assume this is your first dog in your entire life and please don't try to tell me that it's not because if it wasn't you would not be asking these questions . You need to train your dog at the appropriate age in the kitchen with P pads and take them outside but make sure all vaccines before exposing to other dogs

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