Is it possible to be roommates with the opposite gender?

2018-07-17 11:39 am
I moved into a place with a guy who was renting and I tried dating but we are so different that it’s hard to really make our relationship work he only like blow jobs and I’m really too afraid of him to give it to him do you think it’s possible if I just didn’t talk and didn’t interact with him anymore and just stayed in my room and ignored him and lived separately while in the same house ? I’m crying while writing this right now because he just called me annoying for looking at his phone and two other things and it just got me so sad emotionally I feel like I have a good opportunity here but my skills are letting it go to waste I definitely have to move out and it’s so sad because he was so nice to me and we got along really well and I don’t want to move out but it looks like I have to at this point he tells me everything I do is annoying and I feel like I’m an annoying person in general and yeah

回答 (1)

2018-07-17 11:41 am
I know women who have roomed with men successfully, but ONLY if they didn't get involved romantically. It should have been clear from the beginning that you weren't going to have any kind of sex with him.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:06:58
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