Defining relative clauses?

2018-07-16 7:47 pm
1. This is the house *in which* I was born.
請問 這句,"where" 可不可以代替 "in which" ?

2. I have forgotten the time *at which* we should have meeting.
請問 這句,"when" 可不可以代替 "at which" ?

回答 (2)

2018-07-16 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.(a) This is the house *in which* I was born. ✓ -- a FORMAL way of saying.
 (b) This is the house "where" I was born. ✓ -- is in fact MORE COMMONLY USED here.

2. (a) I have forgotten the time *at which* we should have meeting. ✓
 (b) I have forgotten the time *when* we should have meeting. ✓
 But can simply write: " I have forgotten when(何時) we should have meeting. "
2018-07-17 7:34 am
(1)in which=where
(2)at which=when(no need the use of the time.)

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