Where we're humans before they were born on planet earth?

2018-07-16 4:20 pm

回答 (15)

2018-07-16 7:47 pm
Humans were nowhere prior to their evolution. They evolved on Earth and have only lived on Earth.
2018-07-16 7:39 pm
2018-07-16 4:59 pm
Where were computers before they were made in factories?

If you are not taking the p*ss, read a book on evolution.

By the way, "we're" is short for "we are".
2018-07-19 5:58 pm
Try again using proper English spelling & grammar.
2018-07-17 5:22 am
Humans Evolved from other life forms here on Earth.
2018-07-16 7:22 pm
We modern humans (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) share a common genetic linkage with chimpanzees. The human branch diverged away some 5 million years ago.

But we share common anatomy with other animals that go back even further -to easily 350 million years ago.

If you combine our genetic linage, and comparative anatomy to the rest of the animal,and plant life on Earth, you'll quickly realize that we have a shared history that is tied only to this planet.

And a fun read on the subject is this book. See if your local library has a copy.
2018-07-16 7:59 pm
Theory is bacteria from Mars.
2018-07-22 5:13 am
2018-07-17 5:52 pm
The human race has evolved here on planet earth, we have not arrived from any other planet recently, please use your local library or the internet to educate yourself before asking any more strange questions.
2018-07-17 1:00 am
Waiting around the corner
2018-07-16 11:24 pm
Uh... there *were* no humans before they were born on planet Earth...
2018-07-16 9:37 pm
2018-07-16 6:23 pm
In the Pleroma. I think that's from Chaos to confusion, to the beast, human has reorder potential. Re-order, meaning to sense on a higher plane and quickly assess. I do this and I can't because I'm a loner. A LEADER is someone who can.
2018-07-16 4:25 pm
The Pleiades
2018-07-16 7:01 pm
God had not created them yet.

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