20 year old female, have occasional chest pain?

2018-07-15 7:22 am

So occasionally I'll have this sharp pain in my chest that hurts if I breathe in normally or deeply so I have to take really slow, shallow breathes until it goes away, and takes a little while to go away? I have asthma but not bad (don't take anything for it), and sometimes it's really hard for me to get a deep breathe but these two things never happen at the same time.

Don't have a problem with heart burn...

I work a high stress job (CNA) and I've noticed the past few times it's happened at work?

I'm 20 and a woman, the only other time I had chest pain was when I hadn't slept for 36 hours and was having heart palpitations, but this isn't like that either.

Anyone have any ideas? I don't have benefits so can't ask a doctor. Nurses at work weren't any help either.

回答 (2)

2018-07-15 10:56 am
Contact your local health department and get a list of free or low-cost clinics in your area. Check each one out to see if you need to make an appointment or not and then visit one. Be sure to print what you have written here so you will have something to show the doctor you see.
2018-07-15 7:36 am
It sounds like pleurisy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:06:37
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