How do I avoid boredom at work?

2018-07-13 1:51 pm
I work at an ice cream place and my days are spent doing the same 3 things: scooping ice cream, ringing up customers, and standing around behind the counter. We aren’t allowed to have our phones while we’re on the clock. I chat with my coworkers sometimes, but there’s a pretty significant age gap there with almost all of them (I’m 15 years old — this is my first job, I’m not used to working lmao) so it’s kind of weird. It would be boring even if I didn’t have ADHD; but the ADHD just adds a whole extra layer of impossible boredom. I’m grateful to have the job and be making money and all that — but my gosh I am a teenager and it’s summer and I wish I didn’t have to be cooped up in there all day. Is there anything I can do that would make this less boring?

回答 (5)

2018-07-13 1:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you haven’t yet, you should try using a fidget spinner or fidget cube
2018-07-13 11:53 pm
Read a book...I doubt your bosses will care in the same way as they do about cell phones...
2018-07-13 9:12 pm
When I was your age I overcame the boring by sketching on the backs of napkins, on odd sheets of paper and the boxes in the storeroom.

I also reminded myself that my parents were kind of unemployed most of the time so the money I earned paid for school supplies, bus fare and lunches.

For me AND my brother.

This was when the minimum wage was $3.10 an hour.
2018-07-13 11:49 pm
Get a job that is more challenging. If you require the income put up with the boredom.
2018-07-13 1:57 pm
Wisdom and abundance. May you have both wisdom and abundance. May you get permanent nirvana, permanent enlightenment and permanent awakening right now.

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