回答 (2)
其實在香港邊間大專院校讀營養學(Nutrition )都冇乜所謂,因為課程並沒有包括食療及醫院臨床實習,故不可提供醫學營養治療,簡單來說修畢有關Nutrition的課程只是一個學位課程,而不是註冊營養師課程,學歷是不獲香港政府承認的;所以在港修畢營養學相關學士學位後,想要完成做營養師的志向,就必須到英、美、澳、加修讀相關的認可的大學課程,及後完成指定實習時數和通過專業考試,才可取得資格。
Neither. The problem is not about the schools, but the choice of your subject.
Hong Kong does not regulate nutrition as a profession. So legally, anyone can claim being nutrition professionals without training. Instead, most nutrition professionals rely on foreign qualifications as the basis of their profession.
Because of this issue, if any of the schools offer nutrition programs, the programs are dead end by itself (as they can't align to any foreign programs resulting professional accreditation).
收錄日期: 2021-04-28 17:38:43
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