Can i compensate for the reduced energy levels on a keto diet with creatine? and will I loose muscle?

2018-07-12 2:25 pm
Its summer time and I want to get back on my cut
For the past 3 years I've only tried to count my macros and eating less calories than i can burn which works, but it takes time.

I want to try a keto diet, i heard that when you are in ketosis you loose weight really fast, are those weight lost muscles or water or fat? or a combination of all 3?

Another questions is, will i loose muscle while on a keto diet and can i compensate for the reduced energy levels with pre-workout and creatine?

回答 (2)

2018-07-12 10:28 pm
Here's a good starter article to read.

In my personal experience I had my body fat percentage checked on a dexascan before I started, and at the one year mark of ketosis. I was very heavy at the start at 320 pounds and 35% body fat. At my one year mark I weighed 228 and was at 11% body fat. So out of 92 pounds lost about 15 pounds were lean body mass.
That may sound like a lot, but losing that much weight by cutting calories, which by definition is really just putting your body into a state of malnutrition, would have been much worse. Cutting calories also can have devastating effects on your metabolic rate that can take years to recover from.
I have been on ketosis for another year and I will not be doing another dexascan until next month, but I am leaner since my last measurement and have gained 7 pounds. My guess is that all or more of those 7 pounds are all lean body mass.

I never really felt a loss of energy. Using the bench press as a way of monitoring my strength I did lose some strength but have since regained it and then some. at the start I could bench 225 for 14 reps. At my one year mark of ketosis this had dropped to 11. Monday of this week I did 17 reps at 225. I have cut down my cardio from 6 days a week to three.

Not everyone I know who has done keto has the same kind of results that I have. I have been really strict and have done a lot of research. Many who don't do well on it haven't done their homework and go about it incorrectly. My biggest suggestion to you if you are worried about losing muscle is that you don't try to restrict calories. The whole idea to keto is training your body to burn fat instead of glycogen. I kept my calorie intake between 2500 and 3000 daily and let exercise take care of the fat.
2018-07-12 8:49 pm
That's maybe too late for Summer, usually we look like sh*t during a cut ("empty" muscles) and it's only once the cut is over that you look better. Regardless...

No, keto doesn't really make you lose weight much faster. Scientific research regularly finds that the difference between keto and balanced diet is negligible. What keto really does is that for some people it's easier mentally to stick to a keto diet rather than a standard diet (but for other people it is the opposite).

Of course in the first days of keto you lose a huge amount of glycogen and water, so some people might have the illusion of a fat loss because of this.

Regarding muscle loss, any diet would make you lose muscle. But keto not really more than any other (except in the very first few days, if your body finds the transition too violent), and might actually protect your muscles a bit more because it's easier to have a smoother nitrogen balance.

Regarding creatine, it might help a bit but don't expect anything obvious. The main way to keep training hard despite having low glycaemia is simply to have an iron will. Otherwise a cheat could be to have a tiny bit of sugar right before your strength training : this sugar will be eliminated very quickly and you won't have time to get kicked out of ketosis. This is not a good idea for cardio sessions, though, if your program includes fat-burning cardio.

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