I'm so sad, first my car broke down, and my friends are helping me out to get around, sometimes I have to walk in the blazing hot sun,?

2018-07-11 4:14 am
But here is my story, me and my boyfriend agreed I would come over the next day to hang out, and for a quickie before work, So I catch a ride to his house, I shower when I get there, because of the sweating, but i then ask him for quickie before I went to work, he then says he doesn't even have sex on his mind, I was shocked, and said how come when I don't want sex, you get mad, even when I'm exhausted! He says I don't want to hear it! What ever it is! Ok I let it go, but it's ok for him to say no, but I better not say no, it made me so sad, he let me come over in the blazing hot sun knowing he was in a shitty mood. Well any how he then asked how was I getting to work, I looked at him and said my friend will come get me, he left me figuring out how to get to work in the blazing hot sun. I figured if i caught a ride over, to his house he at least could do is give me a ride to work Can u guys tell me what happened?

回答 (3)

2018-07-11 4:53 am
Don't put yourself out so much for him. It's not meaningful to him and he doesn't reciprocate.

When he asked you how you were going to get to work, you lied to him. You could have asked him for a ride right then and there. but you chose not to do that.

So you chose to go over to his house for a quickie, which didn't happen and you are "shocked" about it. And you didn't tell him you needed a ride back, in fact, you lied and said you already had a ride, so he didn't give a ride.

Seriously, take better care of yourself.
2018-07-11 4:31 am
It is very normal for men to feel that they can say no when the woman wants sex, but the woman shouldn't say no. Then they complain that their woman doesn't want sex often enough! However, whether he was being incredibly inconsiderate depends on what you said. If he really thought that your friend was already on the way to pick you up, then it wouldn't have occurred to him to offer you a ride. Did you say, "Can you give me a ride to work?" You can't expect him to read your mind.
2018-07-11 6:16 am
No he didn't even want to pick me up to bring me over to his house.

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