Is my friend right?

2018-07-11 2:06 am
I am a 22-year-old hopeless romantic but it was always hard for me to get a boyfriend since I am a bit socially awkward.and a social recluse. However, I recently met a guy I really like and we became a couple two weeks ago after a few days of talking. I am very well aware I probably rushed it but the chemistry was just way too intense for both of us to resist. It’s too soon to tell if he is the one for me yet but I really really really like him and I couldn’t be any happier (at least at this point in time).

My friend said that since I have no sort of dating experience prior to him (I.e. still a virgin, didn’t kiss anybody or go on dates until I met him) said that it probably would have been better if I had taken some time to myself to just date causally for a bit instead of being so quick to get involved with this guy when there’s no guarantee that it will even last by the end of next month. Mind you, she herself has a boyfriend who she’s madly in love with (though she was a causal dater beforehand).

But why should that matter if I found someone who makes me happy.

回答 (8)

2018-07-12 1:46 am
Well this guy doesn't mean you're going to marry him, just take it one step at a time and don't rush anything. Your friend is right in some way, but it doesn't mean what your doing is wrong either.
2018-07-11 5:35 pm
You and I are actually very similar. I had only kissed a few people up until I was 21 (I'm 22 now). My current girlfriend is the only person I've ever dated or slept with. She and I moved very fast; we met at a club and slept together the first night we met. We basically acted like a couple by the second day. We got together and fell in love very quickly. I've had many people tell me that it won't last because she's my first. I've had many question why I would get so serious with the first person I've dated instead of having a little "fun" first. That mentality works for some people; they can mess around, have fun, and be perfectly ok with that. I on the other hand can not go about dating that way. I'm too sensitive and I get emotionally attached easily. I'm just not capable of having casual flings without getting stuck on someone. I personally don't see the point in wasting my time on someone if I don't see it potentially going somewhere. You seem to be the same way. I doubt you're just talking to this guy because he's the first person you've been able to successfully not be socially awkward around, you clearly saw something in him that you thought was worth investing your time in. Could it end by the end of the month? Of course it could, there's no guarantee of anything. That could still happen with anyone even if you spent some time casually dating around. I'm sure your friend was just trying to help, but what's the point of wasting your time on something your hearts not in when you could be looking for someone that makes you happy? If he makes you happy and he seems to be as serious as you are, then don't be afraid to invest your time and your feelings. It could end up being something great.
2018-07-11 3:32 am
It doesn't matter.. just take it slow with him. I know plenty of people who married their first love after never dating & are still together 20 - 30 years later. Don't let your friend run your life. Good luck!
2018-07-11 3:10 am
Everyone has their first boyfriend. Just enjoy it.
If you find yourself available for the next one? Your friend gave you good advice.
2018-07-11 2:17 am
You are not yet mature enough to recognize love nor to make it last.
Work on yourself instead of looking for someone to "fix" you (which is an impossibility anyway).
2018-07-11 2:13 am
Your friend is an idiot! Just enjoy what’s going on and if he becomes more serious then that’s awesome. Go with the flow don’t listen to friends they can sometimes sabotage things.
2018-07-11 2:08 am
Do what makes you happy.
2018-07-11 2:08 am
She may be worried about you getting hurt. But dating casually before this wouldn't really help with that. Just be a little cautious, and get to know this guy before you get too committed. Plenty of people married their first loves- the first people they ever dated.

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