家姐嫁過美國 簽證問題Thx~?

2018-07-10 10:09 pm
如題 我過21歲我要過幾耐先可以過去做野同可以留幾耐??如果我申請移民係咪要等8-10年?

回答 (1)

2018-07-13 3:30 am
1. Practically impossible.

In theory, as soon as you can find a job in the U.S. and the employer is willing to sponsor you, you can stay up to 6 years, unless your employer sponsors your permanent residence as well.

In practice, employers don't prefer import labour because it takes time.

2. It takes almost 20 years.

Current wait time is 14 years with an additional year of application time. However, your sister can't sponsor you until she becomes a U.S. citizen. Depending on her current status, it could take 4-5 years with application time.
2018-07-11 8:29 am

你姐嫁到美國, 嫁給美國公民還是和他一樣沒身份?

若嫁給公民, 申請綠卡到公民考試順利沒任何担誤,約三年半。然後再幫你申請,13年加三年半, 約十六年半。
若靠依親, 公民身份才能幫你申請綠卡, 且你姐做經濟担保十年,申請到拿到綠卡大概十三年。

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