這一句是用 "think of" 定 "think about" ? 為什麼?

2018-07-10 9:39 am
What did you ________ the piano concert we went last night ?

回答 (2)

2018-07-10 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What did you ________ the piano concert we went last night?
think of something
think about something
What did you ( think about) the piano concert we went last night ?
昨天晚上我們去看鋼琴音樂會 – 這是ㄧ件你很清楚的事 – think about
你的想法(意見)如何 – 喜歡嗎?滿意嗎? ---?
I never thought of doing that!
我從來沒有做那件事的念頭 – 我或許知道有那件事 – 但對它不了解 -- 從來沒有做那件事的概念(一時念頭)
由於昨天去看音樂會,對音樂會已有相當了解,故該用think about想法(意見) 不是think of概念(一時念頭)
2018-07-10 11:30 am
think about = 見解/意見/認為...如何

think of = 聯想/想念

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