Passive Voice?

2018-07-09 8:48 pm
Active Voice : He told me a story.

下列哪一句 Passive Voice 是對的?

a. A story was told to me by him.

b. I was told a story by him.

c. I was told by him a story.

回答 (3)

2018-07-10 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
b. I was told a story by him. ✅ 唯一通順的「Passive Voice」
2018-07-10 8:27 am
The form of a verb used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb:-
objects=a story, Or him; either is correct; depended on non "active voice"=Passive Voice.
2018-07-09 10:07 pm
b.I was told a story by him.


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