Where do you get your engine oil change at?

2018-07-05 12:47 pm

回答 (17)

2018-07-05 4:08 pm
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2018-07-05 12:51 pm
i just do it at home myself but im used to it.
2018-07-05 1:03 pm
I've been changing my own oil for 40 years.
2018-07-06 8:24 am
I've been changing it myself since 1972.
2018-07-06 12:16 am
My workshop.
2018-07-05 8:32 pm
I do all my vehicle and machinery oil changes myself.
參考: farmer
2018-07-05 8:21 pm
At home.
2018-07-05 6:04 pm
The one person that cares the most about my car does it...myself.
2018-07-05 6:03 pm
do it myself. have been for the last 40+ years
2018-07-05 1:00 pm
In my drive way. It's one of the easiest car repairs to do so why pay a mechanic?
2018-07-05 12:52 pm
I do it myself
2018-07-05 7:41 pm
The fast lube joint or dealer with the best special at the moment.
2018-07-08 8:37 pm
Under My Australian ash if a motorcycle. On the easement with the cages.
ALWAYS over dirt/gravel as Chryslers spew it out ay a 45. Need to get a drain valve for that car.
2018-07-05 9:05 pm
The local quick lube shop.
2018-07-05 8:56 pm
I use a friends shop on the weekend. Having a lift makes it easy and it only takes me about 20 minutes (less if the drive on lift is available)
參考: 38 years in business
2018-07-06 6:40 pm
Hi this is different with each make and model of car.
2018-07-06 2:58 am
Read your manual in the specifications pages to find the correct viscosity and the number of quarts the car should have. *Buy your oil at Walmart and have the dealer of your car change it. They absolutely will do this. Reason being the dealer has the correct factory oil filter for your car. Firestone does not!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:11:34
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