Cane Corso or American Bully?

2018-07-05 9:13 am
Which dog would you rather end up getting? Both great big dogs, although I do not prefer a Cane Corso compared to an American Bully. Which I would get neither anyway. Which dog do you prefer more in your opinion?

*** Although, I'd rather an American Bully. I might end up with a Cane Corso, but the American Bully defends the house like no other dog in the big badass dog legion.

回答 (11)

2018-07-05 2:15 pm
I wouldnt touch either with a bargepole kid
2018-07-05 12:48 pm
I wouldn't want either. Only one if those is a recognized breed.

The American Bully it just a bully bred mutt - just another name for a "Pit Bull"?

So are you someone who supports the breeding of mutts for money? Let's hope not.
2018-07-05 7:27 pm
Neither, as I personally think both are ugly - I prefer the look of a properly bred GSD or a Doberman. My preference, not yours. And no, any pit mutt is not a 'bad ***' home guardian - they were bred to be people friendly and dog aggressive. Do your research. And there is no breed called an American Bully - the AKC refuses to recognize it and there is no breed standard. In spite of what their web site tells you they are NOT a breed. No clue what the point of your question is, especially since most insurers refuse to insure either type of dog. There is more to getting a dog than the macho idea of "bad ***". Makes you no different than the low lifes that breed the so called American Bully.
2018-07-05 2:27 pm
I would not get either of this breed.
2018-07-05 7:55 pm
Two totally different breeds, do your own research, YA isn't research, nor will I do your leg work for you.

I wouldn't get either. But that's just me. What others choose to get is their preference and should include their experience/knowledge on how to handle these two breeds.

So in closing, it shouldn't matter what opinion others may or may not have, as opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one and is entitled it, your decision as to what to get or not get, as you're the one who will be making the commitment for the dogs entire life which may or may not be for the next 10-12 years, more or less.

No dog "defends" anything, except themselves, and only then if they don't have an escape route, most dogs may alert/bark, nothing more, professional training for defense is costly, and most dogs don't have the correct temperament to pass the rigorous, training and often fail. When any dog injures someone/something, it will be removed at your expense, you will be sued, and the dog will be euthanized, both of these two breeds are swiftly dealt with, unfortunate for the dog, however it's your responsibility to keep your pets safe from harm at all times by whatever means necessary. If it comes to this it will be your fault, not the dogs fault. So get over your macho attitude.
2018-07-06 6:00 am
I don't like either breed. I'd get a Siamese cat if i couldn't have a dog except for those 2 breeds.
2018-07-06 2:09 am
Check with your homeowners insurance, they are both breeds that may be banned and you can have your insurance cancelled on those if you try to make a claim later. You'd need a special rider put on your policy with the dog.

When I was with Milwaukee Insurance the 'banned' list was: Chow Chows, Akitas, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, ANY Pit type dogs, Mastiff and Cane Corso. Any breed that the insurance company has had to do a big payout on will be added to the list as well.
2018-07-06 2:08 am
I would never ever ever promote the breeding of an American Bully. They are a genetic MESS and the poor little things have so many health issues because of it.

I wouldn't mind a Cane Corso anyway and was close to buying one once but stuck with my beloved Rottweilers instead.
2018-07-05 9:50 pm
I would want neither.

Bullies are just glorified pit mutts. Pit Bulls actually are TERRIBLE for defending a house. If I wanted a good guard dog, Id get me a malinois

I have no use for a Corso either.
2018-07-05 2:53 pm
How to do an anal sexy?

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