Do any atheists work to save prenatal babies from homicide by abortion? Why or why not?

2018-07-05 1:50 am

回答 (37)

2018-07-05 3:15 am
Abortion is not homicide. Abortion is legal in many places. There is not a single human anywhere saving prenatal babies from homicide.
2018-07-05 3:08 am
A baby is a very young child, especially one newly or recently born...the clue is born...there are no prenatal babies, atheist will also explain that spontaneous abortion and pregnancy loss, is the natural death of an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive independently, that natural miscarriage rate is roughly 10% to 20%, prevention is occasionally possible with good prenatal care many atheists will work and help with that for sure, but abortion is a medical procedure, and the reality of medical procedures are not pleasant. That’s not a reason to make abortion illegal, or nearly impossible to access. Atheist won't help you forcing women to follow some religious groups political intervention in a medical procedure, the majority of atheist won't help you with that.
2018-07-05 6:46 am
The so-called "Pro-Life" movement lost all its moral credibility by their failure and refusal to support contraception. This is not about saving the "baby" or "protecting" women. It's about a minority of aging white males and their Stepford Wives, desperately attempting to hold onto their privilege and relevancy by controlling the fertility and sexuality of women.
2018-07-05 2:02 am
I guess you could say that educators teaching young people sex Ed are properly preparing them so teens can at least be responsible and use contraception if they are going to have sex.

I don’t call that preventing homicide but I do think it’s good and pragmatic.
2018-07-05 1:58 am
Prejudged wording.
There are Christians who believe in the option of abortion before a fetus becomes an unwelcomed child.
There are Atheists who do not believe in abortion.

Religion and abortion are separate issues....unless you believe that every fertilized egg is a person and ending a person's life (or chance to live ) is a sin ,even if it is with the best of intentions.
2018-07-05 1:52 am
Some do

Perhaps the most popular atheist/materialist of all time

Christopher Hitchens

Was very anti abortion

A lot of educated atheists are
2018-07-05 2:05 am
Yes. Whenever they find one still squirming in the dumpster, they'll give it medical assistance.
2018-07-06 2:12 am

.. it is also known as ANTENATAL or PREVENTATIVE CARE. its GOAL is to provide REGULAR medical check up to allow for TREAT and PREVENTION of "POTENTIAL HEALTH PROBLEMS "

clueless to some a PREGNANCY can be detrimental to certain WOMEN with certain HEALTH issues ... and in certain GENETIC DISEASES

I will give an example HUNTINGTON CHOREA a FATAL genetic disorder that results in progressive involuntary movement mental abnormalities symptoms do not being to age 30 to 50 only 8 % of those effected see symptoms at age 20

it is GENETICALLY passed on meaning there is a 50 % chance your child will have the disorder an ABNORMAL protein attacks the BRAIN cells diagnosis is only found by GENETIC testing on the individual or an embryo there is NO CURE for HD

The main reason given for genetic testing is for making career and FAMILY decisions

other women with CONGENITAL HEART disease which there are many a pregnancy would be ill advised ..

.. the ASSUMPTION that if you have a UTERUS your a HEALTHY PERSON

.... is the same ASSUMPTION if your YOUNG your HEALTHY ..

... KIDS get cancer TEENAGERS get Cancer

1 in 285 children in the USA will be diagnosed with CANCER before their 20th BIRTHDAY .... so there are many instances where ABORTION is a NEEDED OPTION as a medical procedure ..

. has NOTHING to do with ATHEISM or THEISM or a god PROPOSITION but a INDIVIDUALS MEDICAL STATUS and PERSONAL AUTONOMY to make a PERSONS individual CHOICE related to their well being ..

. Abortion is NOT HOMICIDE


.. I promote EDUCATION PROMOTION of responsible CONTRACEPTIVES and a PERSONS RIGHT to OPTIONS that impact her medical status ..

. otherwise you might be imposing DEATH and DECLINE in HEALTH to groups of women

There are very FEW instances of LATE TERM pregnancy abortion so ones use of " BABIES" is what i call a INFLAMMATORY EFFECT speech a BABY by definition is a VERY YOUNG CHILD or NEWLY BORN and the word PRENATAL is sometimes used as " Prior to birth " is not when ABORTION is considered ..

except in the case of STONE BABIES aka LITHOPEDION where the FETUS DIES during an abdominal pregnancy and is TOO large to be RE ABSORBED and CALCIFIES

sometimes a late stage death of a fetus occurs or cases of SERVER deformity absent a brain spinal cord development ... intervention is required

ROE v WADE if you actually read it was about PERSONAL AUTONOMY that you are NOT PROPERTY of the STATE

it is a result of BUCK v BELL where HOMES Jr ( 1927 ) argued the STATE had the RIGHT to do COMPULSORY STERILIZATION of people it deemed "UNFIT" targeting groups of people american Indians and people of color or those with intellectual impairment ..

. his quote is " 3 generations of IMBECILES is ENOUGH " and their right to reproduce is terminated in the interest of the HEALTH of the STATE .... foundation ally SLAVERY you are PROPERTY the state OWNS you

.. in 1933 HITLER in 1933 stated he was implementing the USA policy of eliminating from society those who he DEEMED UNFIT

The term " FAMILY VALUES " is sometimes code for MALE DOMINANCE the Man as Master women and children Subjects
2018-07-05 8:01 pm
Yes, there are many. Atheists for Life is what they're called.
2018-07-05 1:53 am
I'm sure that there are some who do. *homicide"?

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