wax toilet ring?

2018-07-04 12:16 pm
While replacing the toilet in the bathroom i was having problems with a bolt securing to the flange i had to pick up the toilet and broke the wax seal I put it back. I flush the toilet a few times I cant see any water and everything seems ok but I was wondering about maybe replacing the wax ring what do you think I should just leave it alone see what happens or just replace it

回答 (7)

2018-07-04 2:22 pm
Replace the wax ring everytime the toilet is pulled.
2018-07-04 1:03 pm
You should replace the wax ring every time.
2018-07-04 6:37 pm
"If it aint broke, don't fix it".
2018-07-06 10:29 pm
there is a new replacement for the wax ring that is vinyl/soft rubber -- it fits down into the drain pipe and is next to fool-proof and it is worth while to use as the no-leak gasket .... The big box hardware stores have many new items that are designed to last and be worry free --- ask the clerk on the plumbing isle to assist you ==
2018-07-06 1:30 am
Wax toilet rings are not meant to be reused and should be replaced anytime the toilet is lifted off.
2018-07-05 7:39 pm
yes. get new wax ring at hardware. you want the extra tall one
參考: grampa
2018-07-04 8:48 pm
It MAY be OK, but you SHOULD replace the ring EVERY TIME the toilet is reseated.
$2.00 isn't much for insurance.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:04:16
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